Advance Squaring Method (Nearer to 50)

Hello... dear students I hope that you all love the general squaring method. Now, continuing the topic today we will study Squaring nearer to 50.This topic comes under Advance Squaring  Method.

Keep practicing and stay connected........
In the next segment we will learn the method squaring nearer to 100.So, till then have a good day and take care.


  1. Osm trick
    this trick helped me sooo much

  2. Amazing trick !
    So easy to remember and also to apply for squaring such nos.

  3. Sir, what about cubing method or when u r going to publish it in your blog ?

  4. Sir if we need to find the square of 75 by this method so how can we find beacuse 75 is neither nearer to 50 nor to 100 and the difference of 75 and 50 gives is 25 like as the difference of 75 and 100 also gives 25 , so the whole ques is about what no. should be taken as the base for finding the square of 75 ??
